How to Lose Weight With Phospho Soda
Things You'll Need
- Phospho Soda
- Water
Talk with your doctor before you start using Phospho Soda. It's not recommended for those with kidney problems and certain other health conditions such as diabetes. Your doctor can warn you about the risk factors and help you determine how to use the product.
Change your diet to avoid foods high in fiber, such as vegetables, fruits and whole grain. Instead try chicken, fish, pasta and dairy. These foods increase your bowel movements, which can make you feel uncomfortable when taking the Phospho Soda. Also increase the amount of water and clear liquids you drink, such as pineapple juice, Gatorade and other fruit juices.
Combine eight ounces of water with one tablespoon of Phospho Soda and drink the mixture. Wait 10 minutes before mixing together another batch, and drink again. After 10 minutes, make another mixture and drink that for a total of three doses within 30 minutes.
Mix together one tablespoon of the Phospho Soda and eight ounces of water the following morning. Drink that and then make another mixture and drink that within 10 minutes for a total of two doses in 10 minutes. Place any remaining Phospho Soda in the refrigerator.
Repeat the procedure once a month and no more than once a week, making sure to give your body time to rest in between doses. You should notice that you lose a few pounds every time you do the colon cleanse with Phospho Soda.