What Are the Benefits of Colonix?
Colonix is one of many products claiming to cleanse the bowels, making you healthier. There are three components to the program: the Colonix intestinal cleanser, the Paranil capsules (an herbal supplement) and Kleritea (a detoxifying tea).
Colonix includes a lot of fiber and other ingredients that will rid your digestive track of its contents. But colon cleansing is generally thought to be unnecessary by most doctors and experts because the digestive track naturally eliminates waste products. A healthy digestive track can be achieved through a diet rich in fiber, and by drinking water and exercising.
As a supplement, Colonix, and especially its supplement Paranil, is unregulated. This doesn't mean it is unsafe, just that it hasn't been tested. It is important to discuss any supplements you are taking with your doctor. Further, colon cleansers often cause dehydration. If you decide to do a colon cleansing, be sure to drink lots of water.
Bottom Line
Occasional "cleansing" of your digestive track is probably safe but most likely unnecessary, and it's certainly unlikely to treat any medical problems. When you talk to your doctor, you might want to bring the product to your appointment to give the doctor a better way to assess its safety.
One thing Colonix has going for it is that it's not a colonic, which is a pseudo-medical procedure to eliminate the bowels by pumping certain liquids into the digestive track. Colonics can be very dangerous, even deadly, when done incorrectly.