Soy Cookie Diet
Order the soy cookies through a website like SoyPal or Okara Cookiediet (see references). There are a variety of flavors available, including black sesame, original, chocolate and green teas. SoyPal cookies come in packets of seven, for a total of 150 calories per pack. The cookies are sold by the box, with each box containing nine packets to last nine days. You can purchase monthly supplies or buy the cookies on a box-by-box basis, depending on which company you order through.
Diet Plan
Do not eat more than one package of cookies per day. For optimal results, replace your highest-calorie meal with a package of cookies. For most people, this meal is dinner. Drink at least two glasses of liquids when eating the cookies to ensure that the okara can fully absorb liquids and expand, making you feel full. These liquids should be water, milk, green tea, or vegetable juice. Chew each cookie thoroughly before swallowing to aid digestion and give yourself a satisfied feeling. The cookies have a limited amount of vitamins, minerals and protein, so it is important that your other two meals give you balanced daily nutrition. SoyPal provides healthy menu options for dieters to follow, outlining nine different meal choices for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Weight Loss
Replacing meals with soy cookies alone is not enough to achieve the suggested weight loss of nine pounds in nine days. To reap the full benefits of the program, dieters are encouraged to engage in more physical activity each day. Dr. Marilyn Joyce suggests that dieters avoid alcohol, soft drinks and tobacco, as well as eliminating unhealthy foods from your home. These foods include other cookies, chocolate, nuts and cheese.
Dieters are also instructed to make healthy choices when dining out at restaurants, such as requesting food cooked without butter, oil or salt. People are advised to avoid fried foods, white breads, sauces and cream. The Soy Cookie Diet requires an overall lifestyle change in order to be effective and lasting.