Why would you crave cornstarch?
1. Texture and Taste: Cornstarch has a unique powdery texture and a slightly sweet, bland flavor. Some individuals may find this texture and taste appealing and may develop a craving for it.
2. Mineral Deficiency: Craving cornstarch could be linked to a deficiency of certain minerals, such as magnesium or potassium. Cornstarch is not a significant source of these minerals, so if you are craving it, it may be an indirect indication of a mineral imbalance.
3. Emotional Comfort: Consuming cornstarch or foods with a starchy texture may provide a sense of comfort and satisfaction for some people. This could be related to emotional factors or past experiences that associate cornstarch with positive emotions.
4. Nutritional Deficiency: While cornstarch is not considered a nutrient-rich food, it does provide a small amount of carbohydrates and calories. In cases of extreme calorie or carbohydrate restriction, some individuals may develop cravings for starchy foods like cornstarch to fulfill their energy needs.
5. Habitual Behavior: Cravings can sometimes be influenced by habits and routines. If you frequently consume cornstarch or cornstarch-based foods, your body may develop a craving for them simply due to familiarity.
It is important to listen to your body's signals and understand why you might be craving cornstarch. If the cravings persist and interfere with your overall health and well-being, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying medical conditions or nutrient deficiencies.