Detoxing Basics
Detox diets are focused on the notion that your body collect toxins that cause health problems. Although detox enthusiasts profess that your body needs help to cleanse out accumulated toxins, medical experts seem to disagree. The more commonly held medical opinion is that your body's natural detoxification system is incredibly effective and that detox diets actually cause more harm than good. No hard science has documented the dangerous toxin build up that these diets claim to correct.
Water is an important part of the detoxification process, something both traditional medical practitioners and detox diet enthusiasts agree on. The natural detoxification processes that happens within the body do not function as well as they should when the body is in any state of dehydration. Your body primarily removes toxins through the stool and urine. Water keeps the colon and urinary tract working properly and flowing smoothly, ensuring that no toxins accumulate.
Exercise and Sweat
Sweating is another method your body uses to eliminate toxins, which is also agreed upon by medical doctors and detox advocates. As you exercise, sweat helps cleanse out the toxins that can accumulate in your lymph system. Exercise is usually the preferred method of encouraging this flow and is prescribed in most detox diets. Some detox diets also advocate the use of saunas, but caution needs to be taken to prevent dehydration.
Diet Restrictions
The problem most medical experts have with detox diets is the massive amount of calorie restriction that is recommended. Most detox diets involve the subject ingesting only juices, spices and water along with supplements for several days. Experts such as Susan Moores, RD, warn that this can cause problems with blood sugar and can be dangerous to existing problems that exist in the liver, kidneys or heart.
Instead, a healthful diet that consists of natural foods that are not overly refined or full of chemicals and preservatives ensures that your body can detox naturally.