Different Kinds of Diet Plans
Fat Smash Diet
The Fat Smash Diet is a 90-day program that has four phases. With this diet there is no calorie-counting required and you can eat as many fruits and vegetables as you wish. This diet teaches you to eat more often throughout the day while learning to make healthier food choices along with exercising. The Fat Smash Diet also helps you learn to control your food cravings by adding a variety of foods to your daily meal plans.
South Beach Diet
The South Beach Diet is a popular plan that has helped many people lose weight in a short amount of time. This diet helps gives you the ability to differentiate between bad carbohydrates and good carbohydrates, while also restricting your caloric intake. You will also learn the difference between good fats and bad fats. There are three phases to the South Beach diet, and with this diet you may lose weight rapidly, lose belly fat and develop decreased hunger and cravings. Despite this diet being so popular, there has not been much research done on its safety.
Anti-Inflammatory Diet
The Anti-Inflammatory Diet was developed by a Harvard graduate who strived to integrate various elements of healthy living into one diet. This diet includes stress reduction, exercise and healthy meal choices, along with more realistic goals such as losing one to two pounds a week. The Anti-Inflammatory diet consists of 50 to 60 percent complex carbohydrates, 10 to 20 percent proteins and 30 percent or less of fats. The diet plan is filled with anti-oxidants, along with foods that are considered to be anti-inflammatory agents, and a plethora of organic foods.
Acai Berry Diet
Acai Berry, considered one of the top anti-oxidant foods, is filled with minerals, vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. Adding Acai Berry to any diet plan will not only help you lose unwanted pounds, but can also aid in building muscle mass, and by working as an appetite suppressant. A study done by the University of Florida states that Acai Berry can help fight cancer cells while also supporting a healthy heart and alleviating diabetes. Acai Berry can be purchased fresh, dried, frozen, in capsule form or as a liquid extract. This berry is safe to add to any diet plan in a moderate amount.