Protein Diets That Use Meats and Vegetables
Atkins Diet
The Atkins diet consists of four phases, beginning with an extremely restricted induction period followed by three phases that add carbohydrates back into your diet. The first two weeks, called induction require severe carbohydrate constriction with a focus on all forms of protein and vegetables low in carbohydrates. Phase two adds dairy, nuts and some fruits. Phase three allows starchy vegetables, legumes and whole grains. The fourth phase is considered the "lifetime maintenance" stage but allows for some flexibility.
South Beach Diet
The South Beach diet consists of three phases, much like Atkins. With South Beach, you are allowed to eat dairy and nuts in the first phase, which is designed to boost your metabolism and eliminate cravings. The second phase lasts until you have reached your weight loss goal, and includes whole grains and healthy carbohydrates. You may start in phase two if you don't have a significant amount of weight to lose or simply want to eat a healthier diet. Phase three involves maintaining your weight loss and eating plan for life.
Zone Diet
The Zone diet recommends a diet consisting of 30 percent protein, 30 percent fat and 40 percent good carbohydrates, but does not suggest severe calorie restriction. Rather, the Zone diet recommends eating a small portion of protein at each meal and snack combined with whole grains, beans and vegetable sides. Olive oil, nuts and avocados are suggested fat sources. The main goal of the Zone diet is to reprogram your metabolism to burn fat at a higher rate.
Mediterranean Diet
The healthiest of the high protein diets is the Mediterranean diet, which stresses the consumption of heart-healthy fish and seafood. Meat, poultry, dairy, sweets, processed and white flour are eaten less frequently. Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts and legumes make up the majority of consumed foods. Olive oil and red wine are also included in the approved foods list, though both should be consumed in moderation. Salt is replaced with herbs and spices, with an emphasis is on healthy food with a lot of flavor rather than severe restriction.