How to Rate Fad Diets
Ask yourself, "Does this program sound too good to be true?" Often, your initial instinct about a diet turns out to be accurate. If the diet sounds unreasonably promising, it is probably not worth considering.
Determine if the diet emphasizes eating a particular food in excess. Many fad diets promote consuming a "miracle" food that is purported to speed up weight loss, while advocating the elimination of other food groups. While eliminating certain calorie-rich foods and drinks is common advice for losing weight, the best weight loss plans advocate maintaining a reasonable balance in your diet and encourage consuming healthy foods from each food group. If a diet advocates balance in eating, it is likely valid.
Ask yourself if the diet guarantees significant and unrealistic weight loss in a short period of time. Some diets make overinflated, blanket statements about the amount of weight followers are guaranteed to lose in a specified period, especially in the first few weeks. Weight loss results will typically vary between individuals, however. Any diet that makes absolute guarantees about results should be viewed with a skeptical eye.
Decide if the diet emphasizes adopting a long-term healthy lifestyle mentality. The most valid weight loss plans are those that advocate proper lifestyle changes that continue after reaching your goal weight, while fad diets often stress short-term solutions. If you cannot make a diet work in your life after you have lost weight, it is best to find a more suitable one.