How to Lose 10Kgs of Weight in Ten Days
Cut out processed foods. Eat lean meats like chicken and fish because the protein helps speed up your metabolism. Enjoy a few servings of whole grains every day, like brown rice or whole-wheat pasta, for energy. Plan five servings of fruits and vegetables each day as the rich fiber will help your body lose more water weight.
Drink eight to 10 glasses of water per day, and remove salt -- sodium -- from your diet. The water helps dilute the sodium in your blood so your body can work more efficiently with increased blood flow. An added benefit to drinking more water is that you will get more oxygen to the brain, increasing brain function.
Exercise 30 minutes twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. This can be either walking, jogging or working out to a DVD. To really get your heart pumping and your metabolism up, try dancing. There are a variety of dance and exercise games for video game consoles, or just put on some music and get moving.
Take a good multi-vitamin daily. Check with your local health food store to see if there might be any herbal supplements that can help you lose weight. Keep yourself in good health, and making sure you are getting all your vitamins will help cut down food cravings.