Paleolithic Nutrition Diet
History of the Diet
By definition, the Paleolithic Nutrition Diet dates back to the Earth's Paleolithic Age. This time period, from roughly 2,600,000 to 10,000 years ago, was clearly different than the present time. Early man, and woman, ate a hunter and gatherer type of diet matching their intrinsic biological needs. Throughout history many different groups of people such as New Zealand's Maori and native North Americans ate in much the same way as Paleolithic man. More recently, a number of nutritionists and biological theorists have suggested that this means of nutrition is superior than the way most modern people eat.
Food for Paleolithic Nutrition
The Paleolithic Nutrition Diet offers a variety of food choices based on how prehistoric man ate. These primarily include fruits, vegetables and lean meats. Meat and protein sources, like during Paleolithic times, should come from wild, lean animals such as fish, fowl, and even insects. Non-meat sources can be found in fruits and berries, plants and vegetables, roots, and tubers. Additionally, plain unsalted nuts are an acceptable Paleolithic source of non-meat protein.
Foods to Avoid
Many modern food items were not available or necessary to the Paleolithic people. For example, although you may like to start the morning off with a healthy bowl of toasted oats, Paleolithic man certainly did not. Paleolithic nutrition does not include grains, salt, dairy, or refined sugars. Any processed food such as canned fruit, frozen dinners, or chips is clearly off the Paleolithic food list.
Health Benefits
Some researchers suggests that the Paleolithic Nutrition Diet not only helps during weight loss, but may also improve overall health. Certain aspects of the diet, such as high fresh fruit and vegetable intake, may possibly lead to the prevention or reduction of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, Type two Diabetes, kidney stones, or osteoporosis. Although these general health benefits sound promising, individuals participating in this diet should be cautioned that this diet is not a true medical fix. always consult your doctor or a qualified medical professional before changing your diet or attempting to treat or prevent disease.