Dissociated Hyperprotein Diet
The Diet
According to Diet & Fitness, you can eat protein-rich and high fat foods, such as meat, sausages, eggs, cheese, seafood, poultry and fish. You should avoid pasta, rice, breads, potatoes, desserts, sugar, alcoholic beverages, cereals, and most fruits and vegetables. As a result, this diet is high in cholesterol and low in fiber.
The Four Steps
During the first step, you avoid all carbohydrate foods, and eat proteins and fats, according to the Clinique de l'Observatoire in Belgium. In step two, you can reintroduce some carbohydrates, such as bread, pasta, rice and potatoes. The third step focuses on stabilizing your new eating habits. The last step involves the development of your balanced maintenance diet, which will include fruits, vegetables, protein and fats, legumes and whole grains.
Side Effects
The most common, noticeable side effect is bad breath from the production of ketones. This diet also can increase the level of uric acid, triglycerides and cholesterol in your body, which increases your risk for cardiovascular issues. Low fiber in the diet can cause constipation and other intestinal problems. You also may experience fatigue and a higher susceptibility to disease because you are not getting the vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetables.
A dissociated hyperprotein diet can produce fast weight loss without hunger or feeling deprived of foods you like to eat. This diet alters your metabolism.
This diet can cause serious health problems. Proceed with caution and under the supervision of a doctor. If you already suffer from high cholesterol or cardiovascular disease, stay away from this diet. Diet & Fitness recommends not to follow a dissociated hyperprotein diet, like the Dr. Atkins diet, for longer than a month.