Keto Diet Food List
Fish, Poultry and Meat
Any type of fresh fish, such as trout, salmon or tilapia, is allowed on the Keto Diet. Canned fish and shellfish are not a part of the diet. The fish must be prepared by steaming, broiling or sauteing, and should not be battered or fried, as this adds unhealthy carbohydrates and fat to the fish. White meat, or poultry, is permitted on the diet as well, but the meat should not be deep fried. Lean cuts of poultry are best, and it's best to trim the fat from red meat before preparing it. Processed red meat, such as lunch meat or hot dogs, is not permitted.
Eggs and Dairy
Eggs and cheese provide more healthy protein for Keto dieters. Eggs can be eaten any way, including scrambled, poached and hard boiled, and both aged and fresh cheeses are permitted. This means that cheddar cheese can be a part of the Keto Diet, as well as mozzarella and parmesan cheese. Cheese made from goat's milk is acceptable while on the Keto Diet as well. However, processed cheese spreads should be avoided, and cream cheese should only be eaten every once in a while. Processed cheeses may also include cheese slices, so dieters should be sure to check the ingredients to ensure that the cheese is not preserved with harmful ingredients.
Vegetables are an integral part of the Keto Diet. Vegetables include salad greens, like romaine lettuce, endive and parsley, as well as spinach, brussel sprouts, cabbage and bamboo shoots. Veggies like radishes, avocado and broccoli should be consumed several times a day on the Keto Diet in order to provide the body with healthy amounts of fiber and vitamin C.
It's also important to consume beverages while following the Keto Diet that don't contain large amounts of sugar. Dieters should drink plenty of still and mineral water, as well as decaf coffee or tea. You can also drink club soda on the diet, as well as chicken or beef bouillon broth as a soup.