Do It Yourself: Internal Cleanse
Detoxification Process
A detox is the less intensive version of a cleanse. A traditional detox program lasts about three weeks. You start by eliminating animal products (including dairy) from your diet, then grains, before reaching a liquid diet of fruit and vegetable juices. For two to three days you will fast in the middle of the detox. Then you slowly add back plants and grains to your diet.
A cleanse takes the concept of a detox and ramps it up. A cleanse increases the time of a detox, usually bringing you to the fasting point within a couple of days and adds the use of supplements to empty your system faster. A cleanse can be completed from home but involves serious health risks.
Mayo Clinic Warning
The Mayo Clinic advises that you see your doctor before beginning a detox or cleanse, due to the health dangers. Side effects include fatigue, nausea, dizziness and dehydration. A licensed dietitian at the Mayo site states that your body removes toxins naturally, so a cleanse is not necessary.