Liquid Fast Diets for Hollywood Stars

Celebrities are always on the lookout for, or they may pay a personal assistant to find, the latest super-fast ways to lose weight. With the numbers of premiers and award ceremonies celebrities attend, it is essential for them to look their best. Liquid diets do result in substantial weight loss in a short space of time. Liquid diets are one of the most effective ways for a celebrity to lose weight fast without having to spend hours at the gym. Liquid diets include juice fasting, water fasting, shakes and the lemon and maple syrup fast. The digestive system is constantly under abuse and never has time to rest. A liquid diet offers an interval of rest, and it has an abundance of other health benefits too, including glowing skin and stress reduction.
  1. The Master Cleanse

    • This is also known as the Maple Syrup or Lemonade Diet. Many celebrities have followed this very strict diet, founded by Stanley Burroughs, which causes extreme weight loss in a short space of time. Beyonce lost twenty pounds on this diet for role in "Dreamgirls." Advocates of the The Master Cleanse drink a mixture of water, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup. The calorie intake is very low, between 600 and 1300 per day. The diet must be followed for fourteen days for best effects.

    Juice Fasting

    • Juice fasting is a gentler way to detox the body, compared with other liquid diets. This type of fast feeds the body with only fruit and vegetable juices. After three days of drinking fresh juices the body enters ketosis, using old fat stores to supply energy for the body. This shifts between one and three pounds of fat per day, and celebrities will often find they can lose up to a stone, or 14 pounds, in seven days. Famous celebrities who have followed the juice fast diet include Katie Price and Janet Jackson.

    Water Fasting

    • Water fasting is the extreme of all liquid diets. It requires mental strength and will power to get through the tough stages of hunger. Dr. Joel Fuhrman, in his book "Fasting and Eating for Health," contends that water fasting is the way to eliminate disease. The very well known celebrity and director Clint Eastwood is an advocate of water fasting, and he has stayed in top shape over the years. While the hunger pangs are unpleasant, the fast more than makes up for this in mental clarity, healed skin and a strengthened immune system.

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