The Primal Diet

The Primal Diet is a detoxification diet that works on the principle of consuming raw foods, including meat, dairy, fruits, vegetables and nuts. The Primal Diet was designed to cleanse the body of toxins and promote a healthy lifestyle.
  1. Going Raw

    • The Primal Diet is based on consuming entirely raw foods that are prepared and combined in a specific way to maximize results, which California nutritionist Aajonus Vonderplantiz claims helped him beat terminal cancer and diabetes. Vonderplantiz states in his book, "We Want To Live," that healthy, natural foods can combat a wide variety of diseases and ailments. Raw organic, free-range meat is a staple of the Primal Diet.

    Eating Out

    • Participants of the Primal Diet are encouraged to eat out but to still opt for raw dishes such as sushi, carpaccio or steak tartare. Participants following the Primal Diet also eat raw yogurt and unpasteurized cheese.

    The Controversy

    • Some criticize Vonderplantz for basically encouraging people to eat raw meat that is often past its due date, which can pose serious health risks. On the other hand, endless testimonials can be found online claiming the amazing health benefits and results from doing the Primal Diet. However, very little scientific evidence can be found to support Vonderplanitz's claims of the miraculous health benefits and curative powers of eating only raw foods.

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