Detox Stages
During the first stage of detox, you might feel uncomfortable. Some of the unpleasant side effects of a cleanse or detox program include diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, cough, flu-like symptoms, stomach aches, rashes and moodiness. During the first stage, it's important to rest and not take on any strenuous exercise routines. Sleep more, and avoid stimulants such as coffee. For people on a juice fast, the headaches and bad breath are other side effects. A person in stage one will experience a lot of hunger.
Healing, Rest
During the second stage, the digestive system enters into a period of rest. People on a juice fast detox might experience yellow-colored mucus expelled by the lymphatic system through the nose or throat. During this stage, the body begins healing. Most of the hunger and cravings experienced in the first stage should have passed.
Weight becomes stable or hits a plateau during the third phase --- and some people even gain weight. During stage three, people experience more energy. However, the body still might have aches and pains from toxin irritation. Some people on a detox program feel more clarity of mind during this stage when the body has adapted to the detoxification or cleanse.
Breaking The Fast
The final stage involves breaking the fast --- or ending the detox or cleanse program. People often experience intense diarrhea after eating their first solid meal after a cleanse or juice fast, so break the fast with light foods that are easy on the stomach. After breaking the fast, you might gain some weight, but people typically adopt healthier eating habits. After a detox, the body's natural cleaning process should kick into high gear.