How to Deal With Hunger Pangs During a Fast
People fast for different reasons. Some fasts are motivated by religious or spiritual reasons, while others may be health or medically related. Fasting requires strict mental and physical self-discipline and restraint. If you are fasting, you may experience severe hunger pangs. Fortunately, there are ways to deal with hunger pangs and alleviate or reduce your discomfort.Instructions
Drink green tea, if the fast requires abstaining from food only. Green tea is known to curb hunger and cravings as the antioxidants in tea suppress appetite. Drink green tea hot or cold, depending on your preferences.
Drink lots of water, which will distend your stomach and trick your stomach into feeling full. Add a wedge or zest of lime or lemon because the acid in citrus foods is known to reduce digestive pain and calm the stomach.
Keep your mind occupied on tasks to distract yourself from thinking about food. Psychological hunger, not just physical hunger, can cause hunger pangs. Stay out of view of food. The sight and smell of food can cause the body to experience hunger whether or not you have a real appetite. Stay out of the kitchen, if the sight of the refrigerator tempts you.
Avoid intense exercise and physical activity. A rigorous workout will only increase your appetite and exacerbate your hunger pangs. Go for a light walk or do some stretches to warm the muscles and get the blood circulating without burning energy.
Increase your body temperature. Hunger is increased when you are cold or slightly chilled. Put on extra layers of clothing or adjust the thermostat so that you are slightly, but not too uncomfortably, warm.