What Are Some of the Rapid Weight Loss Secrets That Celebrities Use?
Lemonade Diet
The lemonade diet --- also known as the Master Cleanse --- has been around since the 1940s. Invented by nutrition guru Stanley Burroughs, health conscious people used it in the '70s following the release of his book, "The Master Cleanser." R&B artist and actor Beyonce Knowles reports following the lemonade diet to lose 20 pounds for her breakout role in Dreamgirls. Other celebrities, such as Denzel Washington and Robin Quivers, publicly admit to trying the diet, as well. A very restrictive regime, the diet permits the dieter to consume freshly squeezed lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper with distilled water in limited quantities each day. Originally conceived by Stanley Burroughs as a cleansing fast, the diet was not intended for weight loss, per se. Rather, it was a 10-day detoxification method to attack chronic illnesses.
South Beach Diet
When cardiologist Arthur Agatston created the South Beach Diet in the 1990s to prevent heart attacks and strokes, he didn't know it would soon become a celebrity weight loss favorite. Count ex-President Bill Clinton and actress Bette Middler among the diet's many celebrity fans. The South Beach Diet limits carbohydrates and fats to curtail the blood sugar spikes that, according to Dr. Agatston, lead to overeating and belly fat. This weight loss diet comprises three phases. The first phase eliminates starch, fruit and sugar completely for the first two weeks. During phase two, the dieter can slowly reintroduce forbidden foods such as whole grains. The weight stabilizes at the desired level in maintenance phase three.
Pasternak's 5-Factors Diet
Fitness guru and trainer Harley Pasternak, whose clients include Kanye West, John Mayer, Alicia Keys and Jessica Simpson, first introduced his 5-Factor diet in 2005. The diet plan consists of five small meals a day, as well as five workouts each week. Pasternak outlines five food groups, including protein, complex carbohydrates, fiber, fat and fluids, which you should include in each meal. He further recommends that each meal should take no more than five minutes to prepare and five minutes to cook for his busy celebrity clients. The recommended foods have a low glycemic index, meaning that like the South Beach diet, the success of this plan is based on regulating the blood sugar and insulin levels to control appetite.
Raw Food Diet
The raw food diet is based on eating healthy, unprocessed foods. Celebrity Amanda Seyfried follows this diet to maintain a thin physique, which she says helps her get movie roles. The diet includes uncooked and mostly organic fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Gourmet raw foods may also include homemade cheeses, pasta, bread and even sushi, all made from uncooked, vegan ingredients. Other celebrity proponents of the raw food diet include Demi Moore and Woody Harrelson.