How to Break the Vicious Cycle Diet
Things You'll Need
- Overweight Images
- Full-length mirror
- Healthy recipe cookbook
- Friends
Collect every horrible picture of yourself at a weight you despise. Most of overweight folks have plenty of these. Get a poster board and make a collage of images of yourself and of other overweight and obese people. Create a visual reminder of your need to lose weight and keep it off. Hang your collage in your kitchen or bedroom where you can see it frequently and be reminded of how much you hate the unhealthy you and want to change.
Get a full-length mirror and hang it in on your closet or on the bedroom door. Every day for at least five minutes, undress completely and stand in front of the mirror. Look at yourself, front and back, side to side. While looking at yourself, repeatedly state your goals for losing weight and eating healthy. If tempted to eat anything fattening, salty, or loaded with sugar, consume it while naked and in front of the mirror.
Stock your pantry with only healthy foods. Include a mix of fruits and vegetables. Commit to cooking one new new healthy recipe every day using new, healthy ingredients like tofu or kale. Get your family involved. Don't cook a separate meal for them. If your new recipe gets less than rave reviews, remember tomorrow is another day to try a different recipe.
Give away every tiny-size outfit that you've been unable to wear but continue to hold onto in the hopes of someday fitting into it. Those tiny clothes hanging in your closet are a reminder of past failures. Don't buy any larger clothes either because that is accepting defeat.
Get a few friends to commit to meet with you two to three days each week to exercise. Meet at a park for a walk, bowling alley, or tennis court. Join some organized activity like a volleyball or softball team that meets regularly Your mind-body commitment is to socialize in active ways. Purchase new exercise shoes and a new exercise outfit or two to excite you about being active with your friends.