Celebrities & Their Diets
It seems you can't open a glossy magazine or turn on the television without being told which celebrity is on what diet. In such an image-obsessed world, celebrities are expected to be at the peak of their health and physical fitness if they want to be in the headlines for all the right reasons. Some celebrities are known for following existing diets, while others have made only smaller changes to their regimes.-
The 5-factor Diet
According to the MSN Health Website, celebrities such as Jessica Simpson, Alicia Keys, Kanye West and Eva Mendes are known to have been on the 5-factor diet at some point. The diet itself was created by celebrity trainer Harley Pasternak and involves a five-week plan of five meals per day. Each meal is made up of five ingredients that must include proteins, good fats, healthy carbohydrates and fiber. Dieters must also complete 25-minute workouts five times a week. Cheat days -- when you are allowed to eat whatever you want -- are allowed one day each week.
The Hampton's Diet
As a combination between the Atkin's and Mediterranean Diets, the Hampton's Diet gets dieters to swap any of their processed food for vegetables and carbs, omega-3 fatty acids, fish, lean meats, nuts, whole grains and low-sugar fruits. Dieters are also encouraged to consume fats in monounsaturated form, for example macadamia nut oil. The diet also utilizes a specially-tailored food pyramid that encourages dieters to make wise and well-informed choices about their meals. Celebrities known to have been on the Hampton's Diet include Sarah Jessica Parker and Renée Zellweger.
The Zone Diet
According to Dr. Joey Shulman (DC, RNCP), hormonal-balancing diets are an effective way of losing weight. For example, any celebrity-endorsed diet that is based on the 40:30:30 method of eating -- known as the Zone Diet -- is a good choice for losing weight. This particular diet retools a person's metabolism by getting them to consume 40 percent of their food through carbohydrates, 30 percent in proteins and another 30 percent in fats. Dr. Shulman mentions that this method of dieting causes the pancreas to release more insulin into the body, which balances a person's hormones to optimum weight-loss levels. Jennifer Aniston is one celebrity known for using the Zone Diet and reportedly lost 30 lbs. while on it.
Small Regime Changes
Ashley Judd is one celebrity known for her slender frame and -- according to Truestar Health -- she maintains her look by removing all dairy products from her daily diet. Specifically, Judd uses soymilk instead of cow's milk and drinks a cup of hot water and lemon juice every morning to cleanse and stimulate digestion. Supermodel Claudia Schiffer diets on nothing but fruit until noon as part of her own dietary regime and Demi Moore is someone who swears by fat-stripping herbal teas to help boost her energy for exercise and work.