Pros of Fad Diets
The biggest challenge of losing weight is getting and staying motivated. Making changes in your eating and exercise habits requires a major commitment. When results are slow, you feel frustrated and discouraged. Some fad diets are drastic, resulting in immediate weight loss. Over time, fast weight loss brought on by a drastic diet is not a healthy path to long-term weight loss. However, the jump start often provides enough motivation to keep you focused on your health. The initial loss of 5 to 10 lbs. eases you into a new way of eating, leading to successful long-term weight loss. Transitioning from unhealthy overeating to a healthy diet might be easier after a few days on a fad diet.
Depending on your current eating habits, a fad diet might leave you feeling energized and healthy or lethargic and fatigued. Regardless of whether a fad diet leaves you feeling better or worse, you will be thinking about the connection between your health and what you eat. Focusing on your health and your diet leads to conscious eating. Though you may only follow the fad for a few days, you may change your attitude toward eating forever.
Fad diets give you a sense of belonging because the trend is shared with others. This feeling of belonging and support is emotionally healthy. Though it is not always physically or psychologically healthy to follow the crowd, fad dieting might be the lesser of two evils. If you are overweight and leading a sedentary life, adopting the behavior of those trying to lose weight will be an improvement. The key is to keep your observance of the trend under control. As long as you do not sacrifice your identity or your health for a trend, a fad diet can help you reign in your out-of-control eating habits.
Promoting Good Health
Though the term "fad diet" may invoke thoughts of restrictive, unhealthy eating, this is not the case with all trendy diets. Examples of fad diets promoting healthy eating include the raw diet, the Atkins Diet and the South Beach Diet. The raw diet eliminates all foods that are cooked or processed and focuses on fresh fruits and vegetables. Atkins reduces the consumption of carbohydrates and South Beach reduces carbohydrates, sodium and saturated and trans fat. The key to good health is eating a wide variety of foods high in nutrients and vitamins, while avoiding empty calories and unnatural ingredients. Any diet, fad or not, promoting moderation and healthy food, helps you lose weight and improve your health.