How to Survive on Rabbit Meat
Decide where you will obtain rabbit meat. The easiest, although most expensive, way is to purchase it from someone who raises rabbits for meat. If you're more dedicated, raising rabbits yourself for meat may save you some of the cost. The hardest way to obtain rabbit meat is to hunt rabbits, although if you're dedicated and have the time to do it, this may prove to be rewarding.
Obtain the necessary equipment for raising or hunting rabbit, if you've chosen to get your rabbit meat in these ways. Raising rabbits requires hutches, bedding and feed, and may also require nutritional supplements and medicine to keep away disease.
If hunting rabbits, be sure you have access to rabbit habitats, such as small fields or places rich in underbrush or briars. Rabbit hunters often use beagles to flush out and drive rabbits toward them, and typically use a .22 caliber rifle to shoot them. Snaring rabbits takes even more specialized skill, and will require practice before you can be proficient enough at building snares to get enough rabbits to survive on.
Clean and prepare the meat. If you're buying your rabbits, chances are good you'll be buying them cleaned and prepared for eating. If you're raising or hunting rabbits, you'll need a sharp knife or meat scissors, and string or wire to tie up the carcass while you clean it.
Cook the rabbit according to your favorite recipe. Because of its similarity in taste and consistency to chicken, nearly any chicken recipe can be used interchangeably with rabbit meat.