Food Ideas for Diets With No Sugar & No Flour
Dairy is a good source of calcium, which contributes to bone health. It prevents osteoporosis and aides in supporting the heart and blood sugar levels. In addition to calcium, dairy contains vitamin D, potassium, magnesium, protein, phosphorus, zinc and vitamins A, C and K. When looking for dairy, buy plain, low-fat or fat-free versions with no added sugar. Also eat items such as eggs, cheese and yogurt and get three servings per day.
Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables regulate all body systems and may reduce cancer and heart disease. Vegetables have no sugar or flour making them an easy choice. Try to get three to five servings a day and purchase all the colors of the rainbow such as broccoli, carrots, peppers, onions and garlic. Fruit can be a little trickier with so many products containing added sugar. Look for 100 percent juice or no sugar added products. Whenever possible, purchase fresh produce, such as blueberries, apples, bananas and avocados, and get two to three servings per day.
Meat, Poultry and Fish
This is the easiest category to choose from since it contains no sugar or flour. Fish is the healthiest choice due to the omega-3 fatty acids, which lowers cholesterol and reduces inflammation. Meat and poultry are good sources of high quality protein, which contributes to all bodily functions. The key is selecting lean protein such as lean beef, lean pork and chicken or turkey breast without the skin and getting two to three servings per day.
Fiber and Grains
Fiber plays a key role in digestion and in the prevention of diabetes and cancer. Nuts, seeds, beans and lentils are the easiest choice when purchased raw or in their most natural form. Plain popcorn and tortilla chips are made with corn and can be eaten in moderation. Read labels and look for products that contain corn, quinoa, bulgur, barley and oats and get six to 11 servings per day.