How Can I Eat Less on a Paleo Diet & Not Feel Weak?

The underlying premise of the Paleo Diet, also called the caveman diet, is that the diet of our ancient hunter-gatherer ancestors was best-suited to human genetics, and in this vein, modern man should eat as closely to this early type of diet as possible. This means eliminating processed foods, agricultural products such as grains and legumes and eating high-fat, moderate-protein and low-carbohydrate foods. Those who follow the Paleo Diet may find they feel sluggish in the initial weeks of the program; this can be mitigated by gradually phasing into the diet rather than cutting all carbohydrates.


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      Cut back on specific types of food on the Paleo Diet. You are not necessarily eating less on the Paleo Diet, just less of certain types of foods. You will have a wide array of foods that you can eat abundantly. These will be foods with high nutritional value that will give you energy, such as fruits, vegetables and nuts. Saturated fats are not restricted, and fish, nonlean meat and eggs will be available to you. Items you will cut back on include all cereal grains and legumes, all vegetable oils (avocado and olive oils are permitted, but not to cook with), hydrogenated and partly hydrogenated oils, sugar and dairy.

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      Transition to the diet slowly. While your body is transitioning to using fat as an energy source rather than carbohydrates, you might feel shaky, irritable and low in energy. These symptoms are not dangerous and are part of the body's adjustment to a lower carbohydrate level. If you find that you are getting lightheaded or suffering from weakness on this diet, slow down. Start with one meal that is Paleo-approved then gradually work your way to all three meals. (But eat only when you are hungry.) Gradually reduce grains and other forms of carbohydrates.

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      Expect an adaptation period of several weeks. After the three or four weeks during which your body will become accustomed to using fat for energy, these symptoms will disappear and your energy will improve.

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      Sleep as much as you can, and get adequate vitamin D. Remove external stresses such as alarms and supplement with probiotics, magnesium, iodine and vitamin K2.

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      Exercise moderately and favor short intense bursts of activities instead of long workouts. Take additional rest days as needed to recover.

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