How to Love Your Body the Way God Wants You To
Things You'll Need
- Bible
- Other health-conscious, Christian-based book
Read what the Bible says about how we should take care of His temple -- the body. Another idea is to read a book about a healthy, Christian-based lifestyle. Commit to eating a healthier diet and to enjoying foods in moderation. He doesn't intend for us to be overweight or underweight, He wants us to be healthy in order to witness to the world most effectively. Eat in order to live a healthy lifestyle and to be physically fit. Ask God to help you with self-control, and eventually this will become a habit.
Look at your body in the mirror. God has chosen to dwell in that body. Adjust your perception to the image you see in the mirror and believe it is a receptacle for the Holy Spirit.
Analyze your lifestyle. If you need to exercise more to be fit and healthy, devise a plan to incorporate exercise into your lifestyle. It does not have to be an arduous fitness regime. Park farther away from your office, take the stairs -- not the elevator -- and devote some time each day to some form of exercise, even if it is only walking your dog. Over time, you will have more energy, a healthier body and a more positive attitude toward your body.
Pick wise solutions to help you obtain a healthy, fit body. Once you are fit, you will feel and look better. Exercise releases serotonin into the brain. This chemical results in a better mood and an overall improved attitude toward life in general. It also helps relieve stress.