How Can You Go From a Size 19 Jeans to a Size 4 for Girls?

Dropping seven dress sizes to fit into a pair of size 4 jeans requires time and commitment. Losing weight is the only way to fit into smaller clothes; this can be achieved through a sensible eating program combined with regular exercise. The number of pounds to shed varies according to body type. Some women drop a jeans size after losing 14 pounds, while others need to lose slightly more or less. A size 4 jean size adds up to slim, toned abs but you have to be patient, as its impossible to force your body to shed only abdominal fat.

Things You'll Need

  • Exercise bike
  • Treadmill
  • Weights
  • Healthy snacks
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      Devise a sensible eating program. Aim to lose between 1-2 pounds a week, as this won't put an unhealthy strain on your body. Cut you weekly calorie intake by between 3,500 and 7,000 calories. A pound in weight is equivalent to 3,500 calories. Cut out all junk food and eat plenty of fruit, vegetables and lean protein. Eliminate processed sugar and saturated fats, but include foods containing healthy omega-3 oils, such as fish, nuts and avocado.

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      Exercise regularly. Aerobic exercise, combined with strength training, burns calories and speeds up metabolism. Try swimming or brisk walking for a cardiovascular workout, or invest in a home treadmill or exercise bike if you don't want to join a gym. Lift weights or dumbbells, but start off gently. Consult your doctor before beginning a new exercise program, particularly if you have any serious medical conditions.

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      Rev up your metabolism. Eating breakfast is important because it kick-starts metabolism. Exercising during the morning and eating small but frequent meals also helps metabolism perform more efficiently. Eating foods rich in magnesium and B vitamins also helps because they increase energy levels and boost digestion. Everyday foods like eggs, beans and chicken are high in vitamin B, while lentils, peanuts, oatmeal and whole-grain cereals are rich in magnesium.

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      Join a weight-loss program. People who want to lose a lot of weight sometimes find that teaming up with other dieters helps motivate and encourage. If you don't want to join a club, join forces with a friend or coworker who is trying to shed the pounds.

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      Perform sit-ups. Abdominal exercises don't burn fat, but they will tone stomach muscles and help you look good when you get into a smaller jeans size.

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