The Effects of Moderate Drinking for Men
Reduced Heart Attack Risk
A 2006 Science Daily article found that men who drink moderately (1-2 drinks per night) are less prone to heart attacks when they are older than men who do not. This is in spite of the fact that all of the men in the study led otherwise healthy lifestyles, which indicates that there is a connection between moderate drinking and reduced heart attack risk.
Erectile Dysfunction
Older men who drink at a moderate level have less chance of developing erectile dysfunction than men who do not drink at all. It is not immediately clear as to why this is, but there is a correlation. Moderate drinking means a man is likely able to sexually perform -- medically unaided -- at a greater age than someone who abstains. This is according to a study published online by the State University of New York (Potsdam), written by Dr. David Hanson, Ph.D.
Age and Benefits
According the Mayo Clinic, moderate drinking only provides health benefits for older adults. Drinking moderately as a young adult does not have much of an effect on a tendency toward heart attacks or erectile dysfunction once a man grows older. The immediate effects of excessive consumption are still negative, as alcohol is a mood-altering substance at any age.
An often unmentioned factor about alcohol is the fact that it has a lot of calories, but essentially no nutritional value. This means that men who drink moderately (1-2 drinks per day) consume 140 more calories per day than men who do not. This is the same as an extra 980 calories a week, which means a gain of 1 pound of fat per month. Men who drink moderately need to exercise more, or face being in worse shape than men who abstain.