Desert Biome Edible Plants
Some desert trees bear edible fruit. Examples of such trees include the desert hackberry, palm trees, fig trees, magaria and olive trees. The California fan palm can be found in the Sonoran and Mojave deserts. The nut from the tree can be ground into a paste used for preparing dishes. The fruit can be soaked and used to make a sweet beverage or jelly. The pith in the center of the fruit can also be boiled and eaten. Desert hackberry is a bushy tree that produces fruit with a tart-sweet flavor.
Edible Cacti
Cacti are a group of desert plants that belong to the plant family Cactaceae. These plants have adapted very well to survive in the desert. They have modified leaves in the form of prickly spines to help conserve moisture. Cacti can be broadly divided into edible and nonedible cacti. Some edible cacti species include the prickly pear, desert Christmas cactus, saguaro cactus and the barrel cacti. The barrel cacti have several species which include the fishhook barrel and the Coville barrel. The prickly pear cactus is made up of about a dozen species of plants. They have edible, fleshy pads which resemble large leaves. Some species of the prickly pear cactus include the beavertail cactus, blind prickly pear, bearded prickly pear, hedgehog prickly pear and low prickly pear.
One of the most common shrubs in the desert biome is the mesquite. The three common mesquite species include screwbean mesquite, velvet mesquite and honey mesquite. Mesquites are deciduous plants which have bean pods. The bean pods are ground into a fine powderlike substance known as "mesquite flour." The powder has a sweet taste due to the fructose content. The four-wing saltbush is a desert shrub that produces edible seed. The seeds may either be eaten raw or they may be cooked and prepared like oatmeal. The leaves are also edible and can either be cooked or eaten raw.
The yellow bee plant is an edible desert wildflower. The leaves are a good source of vitamin A and can be eaten cooked or raw. The chia is another edible wildflower that produces edible seeds. The seeds are usually ground to produce chia flour. The seeds can also be mixed with water to prepare a cooling beverage.