What Foods & Beverages Cause Burping?
Certain vegetables are more likely to cause burping. These include artichokes, asparagus, baked beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, corn, cucumber, dried beans such as kidney, navy, pinto, lima and garbanzo, green peppers, onions, peas and lentils, radishes, rutabaga, sauerkraut, soybeans and turnips.
Fruits, Grains and Fatty Foods
Other foods, which can create gas and result in burping, include fruits, such as apples, avocados, bananas, melon, peaches, prunes and raisins. Grains that create gas include foods containing whole wheat and bran. High-fat foods can be culprits in causing burping as well. Fried food items, fatty meats, gravies, pastries and cream sauces also lead to gas formation and burping.
Dairy foods are particularly troublesome in causing gas, since many people have difficulty digesting lactose dairy products. Cream, ice cream, cheese, milk, ice milk and products with lactose in them, such as dressings, cereals and breads. If lactose is the problem, there are lactose-free milks available to consumers or dietary pills that help people digest lactose.
Other Causes
Carbonated beverages also cause burping. Another problem food ingredient is sorbitol, which is found in a number of sugar-free products, such as chewing gum, sugar-free candies and dietetic foods. Another artificial sweetener, mannitol, also can cause gas. Using straws with drinks, chewing hard candies and gulping food increases the amount of air swallowed leading to burping.