Meals for Nausea
In small amounts, high-fiber foods such as bran and celery can alleviate nausea. Fiber-rich foods can help to get whatever is causing the nausea out of your system. Small meals of apples and raw vegetables, such as celery can help by replenishing much needed vitamins. Certain grains, such as bran, are particularly high in fiber as well. However, eat these meals in small moderation --- having too much fiber-rich food when nauseated can actually cause you to feel worse.
Plain, dry crackers have been known to reduce morning nausea. Foods that are high in starch can help to absorb stomach acid to settle your nauseous stomach. Small meals of plain, dry soda crackers (e.g. Saltines), bread, dry pasta or rice can help balance out the stomach and reduce queasiness. If you have the stomach flu or pregnancy "morning sickness," keeping some crackers on your nightstand and eating a couple --- unbuttered --- before getting out of bed can help subdue morning nausea.
Nuts are high in protein and can be soothing to the stomach. Lack of protein in your diet can increase nausea symptoms. Instead of a heavy meat meal, turn to powerful protein-packed foods, such as almonds, mixed nuts or peanut butter.
To ease your nausea symptoms, have a meal of clear chicken or beef broth. This liquid meal is rich in nutrients that will help you gradually work your way up to solid foods, and is easy to eat. If you don't have any fresh broth on hand, toss bouillon cubes into boiling water for quick preparation.