High-Fiber Diets
General Health Benefits
Dietary fiber has many health benefits. Some are well known, such as preventing or relieving constipation and keeping bowel movements regular. But fiber can also lower your blood cholesterol by lowering low-density lipoprotein -- "bad" cholesterol -- and lowering your blood pressure. Fiber also slows the absorption of sugar, which can prevent the onset of diabetes. High-fiber foods can contribute to weight loss, as they take longer to chew and give your body time to let you know you're full. A high-fiber meal will feel larger in your stomach, and foods with high amounts of fiber tend to have fewer calories.
Insoluble Fiber
Insoluble fiber increases the bulk of stool and helps move food through your digestive system. This type of fiber is particuarly good if you suffer from constipation. You can get this fiber from whole-wheat flour and bran, nuts and most vegetables. You can also get insoluble fiber in the form of supplements at your local health food store.
Soluble FIber
Soluble fiber dissolves in water and turns into a gel-like substance. This substance has the power to lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels in your body. You can find this type of fiber in citrus fruits and apples. Or, load up on oats and barley, or veggies such as peas, beans and carrots.
Daily Requirements
Recommended daily fiber intake differs depending on the person. The Mayo Clinic states that men who are 50 years old or younger should get 38 g of fiber per day, whereas women in that age range should consume 25 g. Over age 50, those requirements drop; men should get 30 g of fiber per day, and women only 21 g. Eating more fiber than you should can lead to gas and bloating.