How to Raise Your Metabolism After Fasting
Things You'll Need
- Green tea
- Yogurt
- Fruit juice
- Fruit
- Raw vegetables
- Soup
Follow a simple diet after a fast with a ratio of one day of the special diet for every five days that you have fasted. For example, if you fasted three to five days, follow the special diet for at least one day after you stop fasting. If you have fasted for 10 days, you would do two days of special diet.
Introduce fruit juices and herbal teas first. Use juices that are pasteurized or bottled, but not fresh so that the enzymes in the juice are less active and less likely to upset the recently dormant digestive system. Green tea is the best choice as it both increases metabolism and will help the digestive system start working again. Green tea is a metabolism booster (as are fruit juices), and perform the dual task of gently waking the digestive system and revving up the metabolism at the same time.
Drink plenty of cold water. Cool water increases the bodies metabolism by taking more energy to warm the water and regulate body temperature. Fluids are very important during and after fasting.
Eat a few bites of plain yogurt the first day after ending the fast. Yogurt contains digestive enzymes that will help wake up the colon, and won't cause constipation. Eating several small meals, rather than fewer large meals, allows the body's metabolism to work continuously at a high level, instead of fluctuating up and and down.
Add a fresh fruit meal a few hours after consuming juice and yogurt as the first meal. Acid fruits, such as grapefruit, oranges and grapes are good choices. These fruits have a high water content so they will be easy to digest, and will finish cleansing any remaining waste in the body. They are also metabolism boosters and will keep the body burning calories.
Introduce fresh raw vegetables as the last step to moving from your fast to regular food and re-building your metabolism. Fresh raw vegetables are high in fiber and provide more nutritional calories, and will cause the body to use up stored fat and boost its metabolism.
Eat soup as a regular meal to aid metabolism after ending a fast. Soup is easy to digest and tends to have lower calories than heavier foods. The combination of liquid and some solids is a filling appetite suppressant, making for a lighter meal for the body to digest while the metabolism stays high.