What Are Sources of Serotonin in Foods?
The best way to boost your serotonin levels is to eat carbohydrates-rich foods, although everyone's body is different and you may experience different outcomes. Simple carbs are the biggest serotonin boosters, but not the healthiest choice. They include sweets and candies. The increase in serotonin will only last a couple of hours when you eat simple carbs. Complex carbs (pasta, potatoes and rice) will also increase levels but not as much as simple carbs, and sometimes these foods can do the opposite and thwart serotonin production.
When you eat a meal rich in carbs, your body secretes the hormone insulin. When your body produces insulin, the blood level of most amino acids lowers. Amino acids are what produce protein. However, tryptophan, an amino acid, which is a precursor to serotonin, is not lowered by the presence of insulin. Amino acids vie for transportation across the blood-brain barrier. When there is a high level of tryptophan, it goes into the brain in bigger volumes, which boosts the production of serotonin and your mood.
L-tryptophan, found in food, causes the production of serotonin in the body. It is an amino acid found in protein foods such as meat, eggs and milk. Your body needs L-tryptophan in order to keep producing proper levels of serotonin, which is the reason L-tryptophan is considered one of the essential amino acids. You need it. When you drink milk or eat lean milks, whey protein and scrambled eggs the L-tryptophan becomes natural serotonin.
Other Options
Other foods that will elevate serotonin levels include sea food and wild fish; free-range turkey; flaxseed and flaxseed oil; high quality eggs; bananas; dark chocolate, free-range beef and sour cherries.
You can eat buckwheat, which is a naturally starchy food that is full of L-tryptophan and B vitamins, advises Muscle-health-fitness.com. You need some starch in your diet to keep your serotonin level up. The reason natural starch works is that it causes a little spike in the level of insulin, which enables the L-tryptophan to cross the blood-brain barrier and turn into serotonin. The starch clears other amino acids from the bloodstream, opening the door for L-tryptophan.
Warm milk does have an impact on serotonin and will help you fall asleep.