What Are Some Different Types of Diets?
Food Pyramid Basis
The food pyramid divides foods into various categories such as meat, dairy, carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables. Those who created the food pyramid recommend a balanced diet that chooses foods from each group. However, some diets skew this recommendation by curtailing or eliminating one or more food groups.
Vegetarian diets eliminate meat products; this can be for philosophical reasons or the belief that meat products are not as healthy. Low-carb diets restrict the amount of carbohydrates and recommend only certain, supposedly more healthy, carbs based on the theory that this will help the dieter lose weight.
Specific Health Conditions
There are various health conditions that require special diets; some health professionals even advocate special diets for those at risk for certain conditions, even those who have not been diagnosed with these conditions. Those with diabetes often have restrictions as to sugar content and serving size.
Diets based on the glycemic index were developed to help diabetics keep their blood sugar at a healthy level. Low fat and low cholesterol diets, and diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids, are recommended for those with high cholesterol, heart disease or those at risk for such conditions. There are any number of diets that claim to prevent cancer; many of these concentrate on foods high in antioxidants, folic acid, calcium and vitamins A, C and D. Diets high in fiber are often recommended for those with gastro-intestinal conditions.
Diets are often promoted by a specific company. You can still follow the principles of that diet without purchasing the company's products but the company hopes you will. Weight Watchers has facilities that provide consultants and support groups, a website that contains many helpful resources and a line of food products that are optional if you want to follow its diet that seeks to simplify the counting of calories and provide accountability and support.
Diets such as Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem require you to order pre-packaged meals that contain all or most of the food you will eat while on the diet. Other diets such as Atkins or the South Beach diet provide resources, recipe books, websites and partner with food manufacturers to provide recommended food. These diets are all based on a business plan and a desire on the part of the company to make a profit but they are also based on weight-loss principles backed by research.
Commonsense and Calorie-Counting
A weight-loss diet boils down to eating fewer calories than the amount required to maintain your current body weight and level of activity, according to Healthy Weight Forum. Good nutrition is also important, and that involves following the recommendations based on the Food Pyramid and paying attention to serving size so you don't over-eat. You can implement these concepts without following a specific diet; this is an example of learning concepts of good nutrition rather than following a specific meal plan or set of rules.