Low GI Index Diets
How it Works
Low GI diets works by examining the effect carbohydrates have on the body. The body processes various carbohydrates differently -- which is what makes the diet successful. The low GI diet assigns a number to each carbohydrate food item. The lower the number, the healthier that type of food. Lower GI foods produce a small fluctuation in blood glucose levels, while high GI foods raise blood glucose significantly.
Low GI Foods
Foods that have a low GI include low-fat sweetened yogurt, peanuts, artichokes, asparagus and broccoli. Many foods categorized as having a low GI number are fruits, vegetables, spices, legumes, milk and whole wheat products. These foods have a GI number from 14 to 54. The chart on the South Beach Diet website highlights foods with large amounts of empty calories. While they may have a low GI number, they fail to provide the body with adequate nutrition.
Weight Loss Benefits
Low GI diets work based on the chemistry of the body and the way certain foods can benefit -- and even improve -- its functioning. Since low GI foods only produce a small spike in blood sugar, this helps you lose weight because it helps to decrease your appetite. A lower spike in blood sugar means you won't feel hungry immediately after eating. Low GI diets also help you maintain your energy levels throughout the day.
Health Benefits
Low GI diets offer many benefits. They help prevent high spikes in blood sugar and assist the body with working at a slower, steadier pace. According to the Glycemic Index Foundation, low GI diets help the body respond better to insulin, allow diabetics to more effectively manage their illness, decrease the risk of heart disease and help improve blood cholesterol levels.