Diets for Clean Livers
Lifestyle Changes
Changing how you eat can help keep the liver healthy. One way to do this is by eating foods in their natural state, without preservatives and additives, and, better yet, raw. Try to eat something "crunchy" at every meal. Raw fruits and vegetables, preferably organic, should make up 30 to 40 percent of your daily diet and provide the bowel with all-important, toxin-removing fiber. A healthy liver also needs protein in the form of nuts, seeds, beans, fish and limited amounts of beef and chicken. Fruits and vegetables that are particularly good for the liver are mango, papaya, grapefruit, lemons, artichokes, beets, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, onions, kale, cauliflower and cabbage.
Five-Day Liver Cleanse
Ronald Steriti, PhD, suggests the Liver and Gallbaldder Flush and Cleansing Diet on his website. Beginning on Day 1 and continuing for five days, drink each morning 4 tbsp. of virgin oilve oil, two medium cloves garlic and the juice of one lemon blended together. Add the juice of half an orange if desired. Wait 30 minutes and drink two cups of herbal tea. Eat fresh fruit for breakfast, followed by steamed or raw vegetables separately or in a salad, dressed with olive oil, lemon juice and herbs. Do not eat meat, seafood, dairy or processed foods. Drink as much as you like of purified water, herb teas and fresh juices.
Liver-Cleansing Fast
The Arden's Garden 2-Day Detox juice fast for cleansing the liver requires dieters to drink just juice, no solid food, for two days. For this liver detox, dieters need 48 oz. of fresh grapefruit juice, 32 oz of fresh orange juice, 16 oz. of fresh lemon juice, 160 oz. of distilled water, and an empty 1-gallon jug to hold the juice mixture. For each of the two days of the cleanse, pour 24 oz. of grapefruit juice, 16 oz. of orange juice, 8 oz.. of lemon juice and 80 oz. of distilled water into the gallon jug. Drink 8 oz. of this mixture each hour until you have consumed the contents of the jug. This kind of liver flush allows your system to take a rest and repair itself.
Liver-Cleansing Supplements
Herbs and spices like ginger, parsley, turmeric and cilantro have been cited as aiding liver functions. Additional supplementation with iron, vtamin B-12 and amino acids also have been suggested as beneficial. According to the UC Berkeley Wellness Letter, there is insufficient proof that any of these actually benefit liver functions or health. The newsletter has stated that milk thistle contains a substance called silymarin that "may help block or remove harmful substances from the liver and repair damaged liver cells."
Drink, Drink, Drink
Keeping hydrated helps the liver to successfully flush toxins from the bloodstream. Try to substitute almond, rice, soy and oat milks for cow's milk. Drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices, lemon water, green and herbal teas and all the purified water you want. You should drink a minimum of six glasses of fluids a day.