How to Get a Better Chest in a Week
Things You'll Need
- Bench press
- Incline press
- Dip station
- Protein supplement
The Workout
Incorporate the bench press and incline press into your chest workout. One day during the week should involve only chest-related exercises. Find a weight that you are able to lift with controlled motions four to six times. Perform a quick warm-up set, then lift the established weight for a total of five to six sets. This should be repeated for the bench press as well as the incline press with no more of a minute of rest between sets.
Use the dip station at your gym. During your chest exercise day perform four to six sets of dips for as many reps possible. Rest no more than a minute between sets.
Do 100 push-ups on the days other than your chest day. Do it in as many sets as it takes to complete, but complete all 100.
Diet, Weight Loss and Recovery
Add protein. If you are looking to build muscle, you will need to consume 1 gram of protein per every pound of lean muscle. If you weigh 173 lbs. (140 of which is muscle), you need to consume 140 g of protein per day. Much of that amount should come from natural sources such as meat and cheese. However, it is crucial that your body receives protein no more than 45 minutes after a workout. Post-workout protein supplements are best because you have only a small window of opportunity to provide your body with what it needs.
Get some rest. Your body builds muscle during recovery periods and during sleep. Make sure you are getting enough of both and if you're not try supplementing your evening snooze with some small naps during the day.
Remove carbs. Your body needs some carbs in order to function properly, but if you are trying to build a big, defined chest you need to remove the layer of fat that is covering it. The easiest way to do this is to remove carbohydrates from your diet. This will force your body to turn to fat as a source of fuel rather than using the existing carbs as energy.