How to Eat Slow Carbs & Fast Carbs
Making fast carbohydrate food choices is easy, because of the large amount of refined and processed food available. White breads, donuts, and all candy are examples of fast carbohydrates. Any food with a high amount of sugar or glucose is a fast carbohydrate. In order to receive the highest nutritional benefit from fast carbohydrates, choose to eat natural foods like fruits and potatoes.
Remember that slow carbohydrates or low glycemic foods contain less sugar and digest more slowly than fast carbohydrates. These types of foods generally occur in nature, like vegetables, or are made from whole grains. Look for foods high in fiber like spinach, broccoli, cabbage, and beans.
Timing the intake of slow and fast carbohydrates is an important method of regulating blood sugar and metabolism. Combine slow carbohydrates like onions and mushrooms with faster carbohydrates like bread and pasta to help your body easily regulate digestion and spikes in blood sugar.