What Are Some Safe & Good Diets for Teens?
Weight Watchers
Strawberries provide essential nutrients. Weight Watchers is well established and has proven to be safe and effective for achieving gradual weight loss. This program is guided by its Points Plus system, which grades foods based on their nutrient profile. Protein and fiber rich foods get fewer Points Plus while calorie dense foods and simple carbohydrates are higher in points. This system encourages dieters to eat a wide variety of nutritious and filling foods, such as fresh fruits and non-starchy vegetables, while staying within a healthy calorie range.
"The F-Factor Diet"
A fiber filled breakfast provides energy for the day. Tanya Zuckerbrot, a registered dietitian and nutritionist in New York City, is the author and creator of "The F-Factor Diet" book (www.ffactordiet.com). This diet is centered around important foods to include in the diet, such as fiber. The "F" in F-Factor stands for fiber, which is found in many health promoting foods and is the secret to losing weight without feeling hungry throughout the day. Her approach is great for teens because she provides tools for easy and sustainable weight loss.
"You: On a Diet"
This best-selling diet book was written by Dr. Mehmet Oz and co-author Dr. Michael Roizen. Their diet is science-based, focuses on waist measurement instead of body weight, and incorporates healthy eating and exercise. Waist size is more important than weight as studies show that fat storage around the abdomen increases one's risk for conditions such as heart disease. Health may not be at the top of a teen's list at this age, but it should be. Achieving a healthy body weight is important for short- and long-term health benefits.
Diet Choosing Tips for Teens
Teenagers are typically very busy during the week. Choosing an easy to follow and flexible diet program will help maximize adherence. Choose a diet program that is founded on evidence-based guidelines for achieving a healthy weight. Doctors caution teens against following an extreme diet, such as one that is very low in calories, because teens are in a high growth period and need plenty of energy and nutrients for bone growth and development.