A List of Foods to Eat If You Are a Vegetarian

When changing to a vegetarian diet, you may find it difficult to determine what foods are best to eat. Consume meat replacements that will continue to provide the body with iron and protein and avoid vitamin deficiencies. Instead of filling up completely on other food groups, emphasize protein sources in your diet.
  1. Vegetables

    • Vegetables are important in every diet, but essential for providing plenty of nutrients to vegetarians as a main source of calories. Excellent choices for vegetables include leafy greens like kale, fibrous vegetables such as broccoli and sources of starch including corn and sweet potatoes. Vegetables should be worked into most meals of the day.


    • Fruits provide a sweet taste along with vitamins, typically vitamins C and A. Adding fruits into recipes can boost the flavor of dishes. One idea is to add cut up fruit into leafy salads in place of salad dressing, or add dried fruit instead of meats.

    Beans and Legumes

    • Beans and legumes are a prime source of iron and protein for vegetarians. Combine beans or legumes with carbohydrates like rice to increase the body's absorption of iron. Beans can be added to most dishes that typically call for meat. Some beans and legumes that make a healthy addition to meals include chick peas, black beans and lentils.

    Tofu and Soy

    • Tofu and soy products are commonly used as meat replacements for vegetarians. Tofu comes in firm, medium-firm and soft and the different textures are useful in creating a variety of effects. For example, soft tofu can be scrambled instead of eggs. Many companies sell soy products that are manufactured to look and taste like meats; products range from bacon to lunch meats and even burgers, chicken strips and ribs.

    Whole Grains

    • Whole grains are another source of nutrition that vegetarians should consume. Grains can provide an extra boost in fiber that helps to keep bowel movements regular even after a change in diet such as becoming vegetarian. Natural whole grains include brown rice and pasta. Whole grain bread products can be used in combination with soy meats to create realistic-tasting meat-free meals.

    Nuts and Seeds

    • Nuts and seeds provide an extra boost in dietary iron and protein. Trail mix is a healthy snack that vegetarians can enjoy in between meals. Nuts and seeds can be added to meals to provide extra flavor.

    Flax Oil

    • Fish oil is commonly used by nonvegetarians to provide the body and brain with omega fatty acids. Vegetarians can use flax oil instead of fish oil to receive the same benefits. Flax oil added to smoothies provides a slightly nutty flavor.

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