pH-Balanced Diets
Acid-Alkaline Balance
Our bodies are meant to handle a small amount of acid, and large amounts of acid can damage our bodies in various ways. Too much acid can be an underlying cause of diseases such as osteoporosis. Other symptoms of an overabundance of acid in your body might include pain in the joints, unexplained weight gain, digestion problems, heart burn or acid reflux, loss of muscle, fatigue, and urinary tract problems. Once your pH levels are more balanced, these symptoms should subside.
Foods with High Acid Levels
Foods that contain high amounts of acid should be eaten in small amounts and should be balanced out with more alkaline foods. Foods that contain high acid levels include waffles, pancakes, orange juice, soda pop, and any foods that contains high amounts of sugar and simple carbohydrates, according to Eating too much of these types of foods can promote the growth of yeast and even some types of fungus. Fluid levels in your body can also be compromised. Your diet should consist of only 20% of these types of foods.
Alkaline Forming Foods
Eating higher amounts of alkaline forming foods can help to slow the acidification process in the body. Foods that can do this include vegetables, greens, seeds, fish, fruits, and alkaline water. Alkaline water is especially helpful for neutralizing acid in the body.
pH Balanced Diet
Utilizing a pH balanced diet does not mean counting calories, it simply means that you eat more alkaline foods compared to acidic foods. It should be approximately 80% alkaline compared to 20% acid. The pH level of the food you eat should equal the pH level in your body.
A sample breakfast may include one to two eggs scrambled with greens such as onions, bell peppers, and other leafy greens along with one cup of ginger tea.
Snack options can include fruit, pumpkin seeds, celery, carrot sticks, or a handful of almonds.
Dinner may include a choice of turkey, chicken or fish served with a green salad or baked yam.
Websites such as have a full listing of what specific foods are alkaline and what foods are acidic. Keep in mind that the more alkaline foods you incorporate into your diet, the better results you will have in your body. Also remember that everyone's body is different, therefore you may need to tweak your alkaline intake to balance out your pH levels.