Great Diets for Bodybuilders
Adequate water consumption is an important part of any diet. Dehydration while eating a protein-rich diet can cause kidney damage. Avoid these dangers by discussing the use of any protein supplements with a doctor, and drinking at least eight glasses of water daily. While working out, drink water every ten minutes to remain hydrated.
Complex carbohydrates are 50 percent of most bodybuilding diets. Carbohydrates increase energy and speed muscle regeneration. The best carbohydrates to consume while bodybuilding are pastas, cereals, bread, beans and carbohydrate-rich vegetables such as corn. Avoid diets that encourage the use of simple carbohydrates found in sports drinks. Simple carbohydrates contain sugars and do not provide lasting energy.
Protein helps speed the recovery of muscles following a workout, and it helps avoid muscle damage. Consuming protein also speeds the metabolism, helping to burn fat. Include lean meats, fish, eggs and tofu for a natural way to add protein to a diet. Fish also provides healthy, essential fats that are needed in any healthy diet. Protein shakes and supplements are also available.
Gaining muscle causes a bodybuilder to burn more calories each day. To maintain current weight and gain additional muscle, a bodybuilder must stick to a high-calorie diet. Bodybuilding diets suggest up to 5,500 calories daily for men, and no more than 3,000 calories daily for women. If a bodybuilder has trouble eating enough calories each day, creating a six-meal-per-day plan can help with calorie-counting.