Distilled White Vinegar Diets
Detoxifying Effects
Incorporating distilled white vinegar into your diet helps to detoxify the liver and remove impurities from the body. It also can assist the body in the absorption of essential minerals. Men and women who are not able to absorb calcium from dairy products, for example people who are lactose intolerant, may find white vinegar particularly useful as it can help to unlock calcium in other sources. A high source of calcium is found in leafy greens, such as spinach, however these sources have compounds that make it harder for the absorption of calcium. The acetic acid found in white wine vinegar helps to counteract these compounds and therefore aids absorption.
Diet Benefits
Distilled white vinegar typically is used as a condiment or preserving agent, but it also can be used to add a zest to many foods. It also can be used as a replacement for some fatty ingredients. For example, homemade coleslaw traditionally is made with mayonnaise, it can be replaced with white vinegar for a tasty, and less fatty, alternative. Vinegar also goes well with a variety of salads when used as a vinaigrette.
Weight Loss Diets
A white vinegar diet consists of drinking one to three teaspoons of the vinegar about 10 to 15 minutes before you eat. Some studies have found that this practice helps to reduce the appetite and therefore stops people from overeating when they are not really hungry. The taste of vinegar might be hard to get used to at first, however some people find that the taste gets easier after a couple of days. When used as an agent of weight loss, experts recommend eating healthily, cutting out junk food and also exercising at least three times a week.
Health Warnings
Some studies have found that regular ingestion of vinegar can do more harm than good. It is suggested than when consuming vinegar by mouth, it is best to consume with a glass of water because large doses of vinegar could cause harm to tooth enamel. Alternatively, small doses can be consumed using a straw, to avoid coating the teeth. Vinegar is very acidic, therefore it also may cause heartburn.