The Best Summer Diets
The Atkins Diet
The Atkins diet has seen its fans lose significant amounts of weight by significantly restricting their carbohydrate intake. You are allowed to eat as much meat, fish, poultry, fats and oils as you like, but eggs, cheese, fruit and vegetables are restricted to a small daily intake. The body reverts to its fat stores and burns this for energy when starved of substantial carbohydrates, in a process called lipolysis. You can expect steaks and salads as staples of this diet. There are many reports that this diet is insufficient in vitamins and minerals, although these claims are refuted in the Atkins Nutritional Approach Research Library.
The Hay Diet
The idea behind the Hay diet is simply not to mix starches and proteins at the same meal because the stomach uses different digestive enzymes to break them down. Combining the two food groups makes the stomach work much harder and can result in food taking considerably more time to digest in either group. A food chart makes it is easy to see which foods you can eat together and those to avoid combining. There is also a "neutral" group, meaning that you can eat items from that food group with either starches or protein. Followers of this diet have reported significant weight loss and increase in energy levels.
The Zone Diet
The system of this diet is relatively simple and easy to remember. By eating a set ratio of protein, carbohydrate and fat, the Zone diet claims that the metabolism will burn energy at its optimal rate meaning we can eat moderately and still lose weight. Proteins and carbohydrates should individually make up 30 percent of the meal, while the remaining 40 percent should consist of fruit and vegetables which are rich in fiber. A rough guide to portion sizes at a sitting is having protein no bigger than your palm of your hand, carbohydrates about the size of your fist and the rest of the plate made up of vegetables and/or fruit.
The Mediterranean Diet
In Southern Europe, the levels of obesity are significantly lower than they are in the Western world. People from Italy, Greece, Spain and France naturally consume more fruit, vegetables and pulses and while eating less saturated fats. These healthy statistics owe to a high consumption of olive oil, vegetables, fruits and legumes. No more than four eggs per week are consumed and oily fish is eaten up to three or four times a week. Poultry is eaten twice a week, as is cheese and yogurt, while meat is only really eaten once a week as are sweets, like desserts. This diet is definitely a way of life and has recently been named as an "Intangible Cultural Heritage."