Low-Purine Diets
Diet Basics
You must avoid high-purine foods and alcohol, as alcohol increases uric acid production. Limit meat to no more than 3 oz. per meal and eliminate high-fat foods and whole milk. Fatty foods cause your kidneys to retain uric acid. Drink plenty of water and consume plenty of carbohydrates, which will help reduce your uric acid levels and decrease the risk of kidney stone formation. Eliminate all caffeine from your diet and, if you are losing weight, do so gradually to avoid a rise in uric acid levels, which can lead to gout or kidney stones.
Consume 6 to 11 servings a day of grains. Avoid high-fat sources such as pancakes and French toast, muffins, biscuits and any form of fried potatoes. Any grains you consume should be enriched and not heavily processed. Rice, noodles, pasta and potatoes are all good sources, but avoid saturating any of them with grease or butter when cooking. A serving size is one slice of bread, 1/2 cup of cooked pasta or one cup of cereal.
Fruits and Vegetables
You need two to four servings a day of fruits, where one serving is a medium-sized piece of fruit, 1/2 cup of canned fruit or 3/4 cup of fruit juice. Avoid avocados due to the high fat content. Consume three servings of vegetables a day with a serving being one cup of raw vegetables or 1/2 cup of cooked vegetables. Most vegetables are fine, but cooking methods matter. You should not cook any of your vegetables in fat or top with a cheese or cream sauce.
Meat, Poultry, Dairy and Legumes
Eat no more than 6 oz. total of meat a day. This includes fish, poultry, eggs, milk and cheese. Avoid foods such as sardines, anchovies and all organ meats. You also need to avoid shellfish and all gravies made from meat. Dried beans and peas also need to be avoided, as they can cause your uric acid levels to skyrocket. Limit these foods to no more than two servings per week.