How to Change Your pH From Acid to Base

Too much acid in the body is a problem, as it is more susceptible to parasites and viruses. Bring your body's pH level from acid to base or alkaline. The best overall pH level for the blood should be slightly alkaline, at 7.365. People build up high levels of acidity from stress and a diet with high amounts of fat and carbohydrates, and little fruits and vegetables. Follow a few steps to get your body's acidity levels under control.


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      Cut down on unhealthy foods loaded with high amounts of fat, protein or carbohydrates. Avoid fast food, red meats, junk food and other things that raise your acidity levels. Gravitate toward fruits and vegetables, which further reduce acidity in the body and bring the base level in your blood up to normal levels.

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      Take enzyme supplements. Consume one or two capsules daily of supplements such as food enzymes, proactaczyme plus, high-potency protease and nature's noni, for example, on an empty stomach. Take two Magnesium Complex with every meal, as absorbable magnesium helps provide a buffer against acidity.

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      Cleanse your digestive system by taking psyllium hulls capsules when you go to bed, which help you have regular bowel movements and flush out acidity in the body.

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      Take an ounce per day of alkaline minerals such as Ionic Minerals or Mineral Chi Tonic. Mix a teaspoon of Liquid Chlorophyll in water and drink about eight times per day.

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      Take a daily vitamin supplement, as too much acidity in the body strips you of vital minerals such as calcium and potassium, which can wreak havok on bones and organs.

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