Self-Help Ways to Stop Drinking Alcohol
The Will to Give up Drinking
The first step to giving up drinking is admitting to yourself and those close to you that you actually have a problem. This can be the hardest step for some people, so give yourself some credit when you pass this hurdle. The next step is to seek the road to recovery and when you focus on self-help, you're taking the problem into your own hands, meaning you're taking responsibility for yourself.
Changing Your Mindset About Drinking
You'll need to take a close look at evaluating the benefits and costs of drinking and weighing them against the benefits and costs of not drinking. A closer look will reveal to you all the things you've been missing out on, like quality time with your family, having a cheerful happy mood in the morning when you wake up with a clear head, and of course the extra funds you'll have at your disposal.
Joining a Support Group
You should look at joining a support group like Alcoholics Anonymous, which is not an organization like many believe, but a group of recovering alcoholics, not unlike yourself, sharing experiences and supporting each other. Meeting others interested in self-help recovery techniques will provide support when you fall, encouragement when you're down and cheer when you succeed. Sponsor programs exist through which successful AA veterans offer support to newcomers.
New Interests
Find something new to do in your spare time and on your weekends like an outdoor sport, hiking or creative hobby you've always wanted to do. Get back into music or woodcarving, or if you have kids, get involved in their activities, helping out and giving yourself purpose. Read books about self-help for people in recovery with the aim of understanding the psychology of addictions and how to beat them.
Liver Detoxifying Herbs
Drinking alcohol has a detrimental effect on the liver, but since this is one of the few organs that can regenerate damaged tissue, a deep liver cleanse will speed up your physical recovery so you'll be feeling healthier sooner. Kits are sold in pharmacies and at liver clinics.