How to Increase PSA Levels
Convert to a diet reputed to reduce PSA levels and the incidences of heart and prostate cancers. These diets, according to urologist Sheldon Marks at, are typically low in calories and rich in: fresh, organic produce; lean meats like fish or chicken; unsaturated fats like olive or avocado oils; and natural sugars from fruits and unsweetened juices.
Avoid foods that are known to contain trans fatty acids. These saturated oils are often used to fry food and are blamed for raising cholesterol and PSA levels. The fat in red meat and dairy products, as well as excessive levels of calcium, also should be avoided.
Take a daily vitamin supplement to ensure your body is receiving the antioxidant benefits from anti-cancerous vitamins and minerals like vitamin E, B complex, C, folic acid and selenium.
Take a regular dose of aspirin every day. Studies link aspirin's health benefits to better heart health and lower PSA levels.
Add red grapes, wine or juice to at least one meal per day, a practice shown to reduce the incidences of cancers and heart attacks. Another potent antioxidant to start drinking, according to WebMD, is green tea.
Shop for so-called superfoods like garlic, tomatoes and pomegranate that are reputed to decrease PSAs. Pomegranates and other red fruits like watermelon and various berries contain lycopene, which aids in the proper functioning of the prostate.