No Added Salt Diet Guidelines
High blood pressure, which is medically known as hypertension, is the most common reason physicians place patients on no-added-salt diets. Controlling your salt intake is one of the best known ways to decrease your blood pressure. Researchers examined the effects of a no-added-salt diet in 80 patients with mild to moderate hypertension. The patients adhered to the diet for six weeks. At the end of the study period, patient's blood pressure lowered a total of 19 points on average, according to the results published in the November 2007 issue of the journal "BMC Cardiovascular Disorders."
The Basics
Kick your salt shaker to the curb, because it no longer has a place at your table. On the no-added-salt diet, you must avoid adding salt to your foods. Get fresh. Packaged and processed foods contain loads of sodium. When grocery shopping, pick fresh fruits and vegetables and fresh meats instead. Smoked, salted and cured meats are a "no no." Avoid high sodium canned vegetables and opt for versions that are low sodium or no sodium. Choose fresh unsalted breads and avoid pretzels and rolls with salt on top.
Salt is a staple in cooking because of its ability to enhance flavor. However, you must use alternatives while on the no-added-salt diet. Fresh herbs add delicious flavor to foods. Experiment and get to know which herbs go well with your dishes. Marjoram, rosemary, parsley and thyme go wonderfully with chicken. For fish dishes, try herbs such as garlic, oregano, chives and ginger. Flavorings for lamb include bay leaf, tarragon, sage, saffron, dill and cumin. Don't be afraid to add lots of herbs to reach the amount of flavor you desire.
Eating Out
Watch out for sauces, gravies and dressings when you eat out. These items are always sodium rich. Stick to lean meats with vegetables and request that the cook prepare your food without adding salt. Good choices include baked, skinless chicken, other poultry. broiled lean meats and fish. For dessert, try a fresh fruit tray. Avoid dried fruits as they are processed with sodium sulfite. Sherbets and sorbets make good options for cold desserts.