How to Ensure an Effective Cleanse
Taper yourself off of any consumption of caffeine and alcohol starting one week before your cleanse. It is important to steadily decrease the amount you drink to avoid symptoms such as headaches, nausea and lightheadedness that might demotivate you from successfully completing your cleanse.
Stop any use of white sugar and artificial sweeteners before you start your cleanse. If you eat high amounts of certain sugar foods such as chocolate, you'll want to taper it over the course of the week as well.
Avoid any animal-made foods starting four days before your cleanse. Animal-made foods include milk, meat, dairy, fish and chicken. You'll want all of these foods out of your digestive system before your cleanse so that the body does not have to expend any energy digesting.
Stock up your house on fruits and vegetables that you like. The more raw, uncooked food you eat during the cleanse, the better.